Skype is an online platform that people use to communicate with each other through texts and video calls. However, Skype is not much used as many other platforms have been introduced, such as Google meet, WhatsApp, Botim, etc. We have always heard that whenever something good is being done for society, there will be people who will ruin things for everyone.
The case is the same in this scenario too. People receive random links from cyber criminals, and once the link is clicked, a random website pops up, which results in a virus on your computer. The process has been discussed in detail in this article. The link which is sent is called the Baidu skype virus link. It is called Baidu because the link has the word Baidu in it. On the other hand, Baidu is a Chinese search engine used as a substitute for Google in China.
What happens when you click on the Baidu link skype virus?
The process of sending the links was initiated by cybercriminals. The criminal here is brilliant because the link received by you is from people in your contact list, but in reality, they haven’t sent that. The criminal is doing it from the backhand. This is a reason why people don’t use to think twice before opening a link. Once you open the link, you will be sent to a website, resulting in a virus on your computer.
Sample of the link
The link which will be received by you will have the word Baidu in it. A sample of the link is shown below. The beginning of the link will mostly have this format,
Why is the link sent?
The link is sent to advertise a product or web service. Some people said that they clicked on the link because they thought that if it was from a genuine Chinese search engine, then it must not be a fraud. However, what they believed was wrong.
The link will lead you to a page promoting a product, as in one scenario, it leads to a brain supplement page with the picture of the famous handicapped physicist Stephen Hawking. The page was called inteliGEN. Overall, it was a virus, but it was initiated to promote products by attacking people’s computers with viruses.
How can you prevent yourself from such viruses?
People who have been infected by this virus are recommended by security experts to change their skype passwords and set up two-factor authentication to prevent themselves from such viruses attacking their computers next time.
How to remove the virus skype?
There are different ways you can remove this virus from your computer. The method you select depends on how badly your computer has been affected by the virus.
Method 1
The first method is to install the Baidu skype virus remover. This app detects the problems and removes them. This app can be used by first installing it, then opening it, and then checking for viruses on your computer by clicking the ‘Start computer scan button’. Assured by the developer of this app that the report of scanned viruses will list all items that can harm your computer. After the report has been published, select ‘detect and fix threats. Your computer will be free of viruses after this procedure.
Method 2
In this method, you can use the control panel to eliminate the Baidu skype virus. First, open the control panel from the search bar. Once the control panel appears on your screen, press on the programs ( uninstall a program) option. Click on unwanted programs and uninstall them from your computer.
Method 3
This method restores the web browser settings to their original conditions. If the primary methods aren’t working, you must follow this method. If you follow this method, then your saved settings must be erased. Such as, you would have customized your browser by setting a theme, and your saved passwords, favorite websites, and other data will be erased if you follow this method.
However, this has to be done if the primary methods aren’t working. You won’t have a choice. It is done by opening the control panel from the top right of your Google browser, selecting settings, then opening the new tab pages, pressing restore settings to the original default, and pressing confirm.
We can conclude after reading the article that the idea of sending links to users was intended to promote a product, but it also had adverse effects, which are discussed in this article.
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